Monday 17 March 2008

Andrew Slaughter MP defies local referendum result

Local MP Andrew Slaughter has defied the result of the Hammersmith EU Treaty referendum and voted AGAINST a national referendum on the re-named EU Constitution Treaty.

Despite his election promise to support a referendum on the EU Constitution, and 77% of people having voted in support of a national referendum during the Hammersmith poll, Andrew Slaughter voted against one following a debate in Parliament on Wednesday 5 March.

Andrew Slaughter's full voting record on the 'Lisbon' Treaty can be seen on the ReferendumList website - click here.

He not only voted against a Conservative amendment for a referendum, but also one put down by rebel Labour MPs. Then he voted for the Treaty to be approved regardless.

In doing so, Mr Slaughter has sent the resounding message that not only does he have little interest in representing majority local opinion in Parliament if he thinks he personally knows better, but also that he cannot be trusted to deliver what he promises at election time.

The debate over a referendum on the Treaty now moves to the House of Lords. If the Lords pass their own referendum amendment, MPs may get a second chance to vote on the issue.

If Mr Slaughter doesn't think twice and deliver both his election promise and what a majority of local people clearly want when that opportunity arises, then he will leave local voters little option but to pass judgement on how he has acted at the next general election.

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