Friday 1 February 2008

EU treaty referendum to be held in Hammersmith

Activists of the I Want a Referendum campaign, the Democracy Movement and other pro-referendum groups have announced plans to hold a referendum in the Hammersmith constituency on the revived EU Constitution.

Hammersmith is a key marginal seat in Westminster elections, currently held by Labour backbencher Andrew Slaughter (majority: 5,520). See his stance and voting record on the Lisbon Treaty on

Local activists have chosen the seat to highlight Labour’s decision to go back on their 2005 General Election manifesto pledge to support a referendum on the EU Constitution, currently being revived as the 'Lisbon Treaty'.

During February, voters in Hammersmith will receive a pack containing an information leaflet with contributions from both sides of the debate, a ballot paper, and a freepost envelope. The ballot paper will ask two questions:

(a) whether there should be a national referendum on the EU Constitution - now known as the Lisbon Treaty

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(b) whether the UK should actually adopt the Treaty.

Voting will be going on between 6 February and 25 February and the result of the referendum will be announced before the end of the month.

The vote in the constituency will be part of a first wave of referendums in constituencies across the UK. Together, the votes will form the biggest public consultation on the EU since 1975 and will increase the pressure on Gordon Brown to call the national referendum he promised the British people in 2005.

To carry out a professional poll, local activists have commissioned the Electoral Reform Services (ERS) - the world's leading independent ballot administrator and independent scrutineer. The results will be presented to Parliament and form a backdrop to the Government's attempt to ram the Treaty through Parliament without a referendum.

This blog will bring you the latest news about the campaign.

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